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How to travel to and in Örebro

Travel to Örebro is very easy from all over Europe. With its strategic location in the center of Sweden you can reach it from many different ways.

By train its about two hours from Stockholm, so if you arrives by air to Arlanda International Airport, we recommend to go by Arlada Express to the central station, then catch a train to Örebro. You will find some useful links to the right on this side.

There are also some long distance buses (e g Bus4U) that will take you directly to Örebro from the airport.

Psst! From the Central station its a walk for about 15 minutes to the Congress Center. However, if you book your trip to Örebro Södra (another train station in Örebro) its just 4 - 5 minutes walk.

21-24 September 2023 | Örebro Sweden

39th NSCMID Annual Meeting 2023